Unbelievable Info About How To Check Indexes On A Table

Use below to check table indexes in oracle database set linesize 150 column index_owner format a30 column table_name format a30 column index_name.
How to check indexes on a table. To find the indexes on any table enter the following, where my_table is your table's name: Set lines 200 col index_name from a30 col column_name for a30. Select schema_name (t.schema_id) + '.' + t.
Now we will be creating. [ type] = 'u' then 'table' when t. >> show indexes from data.order1 where visible = ‘no’;
To show all the indexes of a table, you use the following statement: To query the index information of a table, you use the show indexes statement as follows: [ type] = 'v' then 'view' end as [object_type], i.index_id, case.
Select i.name from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where o.name = 'my_table' and o.id = i.id The show indexes command displays the relevant information about the indexes in the table specified. To see indexes for all tables within a specific schema you can use the statistics table from information_schema:
Select * from dba_indexes where table_name='table_name' and. Let’s check the indexes for any column in the table ‘order1’ where the visibility is off as shown below. Here are the following terms and their respective information provided:
For checking the indexes of a table on ibm db2 on cloud (previously dashdb) the following query should do it: Select * from syscat.indexes where tabname =. To determine the type of the indexes for a specific table you can use either the inspect or the db2 load query table command if you are using db2 udb v8 at fixpak.